الأحد، 10 يونيو 2012

Secret No 7

Your DON'T Need to Starve

Yourself to Lose Weight


Many popular diet programs suggest dramatically reducing the amount of calories a person eats. In fact many border on out and out starvation, suggesting you only consume 1000 calories and even worse only 800 calories per day. Get ready for a serious warning, not only will this not help you lose weight permanently, it is also extremely damaging and dangerous to your body.

Let’s look at why very low calorie diets in the long term will only make you fatter. Extremely low calorie diets slow your metabolism down and make you lose muscle; consequently they put your body into starvation mode. Starve yourself for long enough and eventually your metabolism shuts down completely. Once your metabolism stops any calories you consume after that will cause immediate fat gain. Now you may think that you can stay on the low calorie diet forever, but the reality is that this is highly unlikely. Consider how many calories you were consuming before. Do you honestly believe that for the rest of your life you’l be able to manage on 800 calories per day? Just to give you some idea a standard coffee house hot chocolate with whipped cream has about 400 calories in it. Try living on 2 of them for the rest of your life! What will inevitably happen is that you starve yourself for a while, your metabolism shuts down and then when you start eating more (as you will do) you’ll pile the weight back on. Have a close look at any diet program that you have tried before or are considering trying again. You’l notice of them that many of them cut your calorie levels to near starvation. That’s why they work in the beginning but never work in the long term. Remember that your body is clever, as soon as it notices that your body is going into starvation mode, it will automatical y slow your metabolism down so you burn fewer calories.

Furthermore by starving your body of food you are also starving yourself of the major vitamins and nutrients that you need to keep you healthy. Many experts believe that even at normal levels of calorific intake it is stil difficult to get all our nutrients from food alone, hence the reason that so many people supplement. No imagine al the vital nutrients you are denying your body when you starve. Don’t do it. Period. You’ll save your health and your weight loss efforts. Conclusion

That’s just about raps up the 7 secrets. I hope you found it informative. There are a lot of myths and lies prevalent in the weight loss industry. Not only will they damage your health but they’ll also hamper your chances of losing weight permanently and effectively

A Final Word

Your “inner game” is going to be the foundation which determines just how much success you will have with your efforts to lose weight. This is so crucial, it’s worth repeating again. As discussed in Secret 1, the simple fact is, if you don’t get the correct set of supporting beliefs and right mental image, then your weight loss journey is going to be painful and ultimately unsuccessful.

Short term, you may lose some weight. Remember though, human beings are like elastic bands, they always snap-back to their current

“mental” state. Without getting too ‘woo-woo’ on you, your physical reality is just a manifestation of your mental reality. Your relationships, your finances, your friends and ultimately your weight are just reflections of what is going on inside your mind. If you don’t believe me, think about this. Why is it that a ridiculously high percentage of lottery winners go broke within 5 years? It’s because those winners mentally don’t see themselves as multi-mil ionaires. They haven’t got the right mindset. Internally many of them still see themselves as poor and even unfortunate, consequently they engage in destructive behavior. This destructive behavior eventually leads them to blow their entire fortune and of course they “snap-back” to their original position or either being broke, poor or in debt. Fascinating isn’t it. This law is applicable to everyone on the planet.

So what are you going to do to ensure you get your “inner-game

regarding weight loss sorted and guarantee the next time you try to lose weight you succeed? Wel you could start scanning the internet for advice but being the smart person you are, you realise that understanding the inner workings of the human mind is something that takes decades to master. This is where we come in. With help from a leading hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner we have developed a system that shows you how to exactly how to break old limiting beliefs and develop a mindset that will guarantee that the next you try to lose weight you will succeed.

In the program we’ll go deep into the reasons why you have failed in the past and show you exactly what to do to make sure that you don’t fail again. I highly recommend that you check it out here
Source: HowToThinkSlim

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