الأحد، 10 يونيو 2012

Secret No 4

You DON'T Need To Cut Out

Carbs To Lose Weight



Whether you should cut out carbs altogether or reduce them substantial y has caused serious debate in the weight loss industry. Many people claim that you need to cut out carbohydrates entirely in order to lose weight rapidly. I am sure you are all aware of one extremely popular diet system that advocates a substantial reduction in carbs. Wel you won’t be surprised to know that peddlers of this system have made mil ions of dollars out of unsuspecting weight losers.

The truth is, not only should you not cut out carbs completely; it’s actually dangerous to do so. First of let us analyze why you don’t need to cut out carbs. Contrary to what the so cal ed “diet gurus” tell you, carbohydrates are not fattening. Just stop for a while and think about what I just said. Now I realise that this information is contrary to what you are being told by many “experts” but it’s the absolutely truth. It is one big lie to say that carbohydrates are fattening. What will cause you put on weight is if you consume more calories than you burn. It’s that simple. A calorie is just a calorie, nothing more. It doesn’t matter whether you get your calories from protein, carbohydrates or fat. What matters is that you are active enough to burn more calories than you consume.

There are many reasons why carbohydrates have been singled out as the food that contributes to weight gain. First of al it is what we add to many of our carb based foods that lead people to believe that carbs cause weight gain.

Think about the large dollops of margarine or butter you put on your piece of toast. Or what about the rich cheese or tomato sauce that you add to your bowl of pasta. It’s these additions that are sneakily causing you to pile on the pounds, not the carbs themselves. So if you want to lose weight, cut down these fats not the carbs. Secondly you need to understand a little diet history to see why carbs have become so controversial. During the 60’s and 70’s scientists discovered a clear link between animal fat (i.e fatty meat, butter, cheese) and coronary heart disease. As result low fat diets became extremely popular. In attempt to cater for this (and profit) the food industry started to produce a huge range of low-fibre white flower products (muffins, doughnuts, bagels and cookies), lots of carb snack food (popcorn, nachos etc) and a lot of different high carb toppings. Note that most of these foods are “refined carbs”, that is carbs with most of the natural fibre removed. This low fat approach led to a significant increase in the consumption of refined carbohydrates. Fast forward to the 80’s and 90’s and the developed world is in the midst of an obesity epidemic. Dieticians suddenly started to question whether the high-carb low-fat diet was contributing to this weight gain. Some clinical studies linked a high consumption of refined carbs with metabolic problems (eg Type 2 diabetes), digestive disorders (IBS) and heart disease. To further exacerbate the problem, popular diet systems were released claiming all carbohydrates led to weight gain. It didn’t take long before the general public started to believe that in order to lose weight you needed to cut out carbs. Why You Need To Eat Good Carbohydrates

Now that we have established why carbs got their bad name, it is important to point out that you need to eat good carbohydrates. In fact consuming good carbohydrates is essentially for long term weight control and healthy nutrition. While it is true that over consumption off refined carbs have been linked to an increase in disorders such as type 2 diabetes, not all carbs are bad.

You must eat good carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet, otherwise you risk missing out on nourishing your body with essential nutrients. Furthermore, carbohydrates give us energy to keep us going, without carbs you’ll feel sluggish and tired. So how do find out what carbohydrates you should eat? Detailed below are sources of good carbohydrates.

1. Fruit and Vegetables – Fruit and veg are general y low in calories and are packed with nutrients like vitamins and minerals. They are a healthy addition to any diet especially if you are trying to lose weight.

2. Whole Grains – For example wholegrain rice, wholemeal breads, porridge oats, wholewheat pasta, beans, lentils, breakfast cereals (although be careful of which ones you choose).

3. Potatoes – These are fat free healthy foods that provide useful amounts of vitamin C, Potassium and fibre. Try and choose Sweet Potatoes as these are the most nutritious. So now you know the truth about carbohydrates, you can consume the good ones with piece of mind.

Source: HowToThinkSlim

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