الأحد، 10 يونيو 2012

Secret No 2

Diets Don't Work


Diets don’t work. But wait, I hear you say, if I want to lose weight I have to go on a diet, right? Wrong, dead wrong. I’m telling you if you want to lose weight you do not need to diet. Now I realise that this may come as a surprise to you and is probably not what the majority of the so called “diet gurus” want you to hear. However the reality is that 99% of people, who go on diets, either give up or eventually put the weight that they have lost back on. You can try as many of the latest fad diets that you want but honestly they are not the secret to long term weight loss success.

Diets fail for the fol owing reasons:

 A diet is a way of living – not something you do when you want to lose a few pounds. Why? Because once you’ve lost the weight, you go straight back to eating what you’ve always wanted to eat.

 Most diets are unrealistic - Us humans tend to lead fairly complicated lives. We work long hours and spend an increasing portion of our lives highly stressed and agitated. Our family lives are demanding and we rarely have time to sit back and relax. Our stressful daily lives make it extremely difficult to adhere to rigorous diet plans that tells when and what we can eat. Sure you may fol ow it for a couple of weeks, maybe even a month. Eventual y though, you’ll give up. Dieting is just another stress. A stress you could well do without. Furthermore by giving up on the diet you feel like you’ve failed. You blame yourself for not finishing and start to think “there’s something wrong with me” or “I’m a failure.”

Repeat this process for long enough and eventually you give up trying to lose weight forever, concluding that “diets don’t work” and that “it’s impossible to lose weight”. Well I am here to tell you that you that it is the whole system of dieting that is a failure not you. You are not to blame and you absolutely can lose weight. You just have to stop blaming yourself and stop jumping from one diet to the other. Give up on the idea of dieting for good.

 Diets actually slow your metabolism down-That’s right, reduce the amount of calories that you consume and watch your metabolism slow down as well. Remember, once you actually give up on the diet (which you will do eventually) and revert back to your old eating habits, because your metabolism has slowed down, the weight will pile back on at rapid speed. Something you seriously want to avoid.

 Yo-Yo Dieting is extremely bad for you – Numerous studies have confirmed that is seriously bad for your health to constantly lose weight and then put it back on again.

 Diets don’t work in the long term – If ever there was a reason to avoid dieting, consider the fact that extensive research has confirmed that in the long term diets simply don’t work. Most people lose between 5%-10% of their body weight but eventually put it back on again. In fact repeatedly losing weight and then putting it back on again, has been linked to an increase in cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and weakened immune system function. Once of the main reason cited as the reason that diets don’t work in the long term, is that when people are on diets they spend a large portion denying them foods that they want to eat. So when they come off the diets they tend to gorge on all the foods they have denied themselves.

The Solution

So we have established a common myth in the weight loss industry that you need to diet to lose weight. Am I saying that you should pay no attention to what you eat? Absolutely not! You must pay attention to what you eat, however it’s about making simple healthier choices. Learn what foods are low in calories but highly nutritious (Tip: This isn’t difficult) and start to slowly introduce more and more of these foods into your diet. Sooner or later healthy eating, not dieting will become a part of your life and the weight will start to fall off. Also remember that there are some diet systems that do have some really healthy and delicious meals in them. Simple find out what dishes you like and incorporate them into your normal way of eating. So don’t stress yourself out. Slowly and steadily start to make healthier choices about the types of food that you eat. You’l be more relaxed and when you’re relaxed the weight will fall off 

Source: HowToThinkSlim

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