الأحد، 10 يونيو 2012

Secret No 7

Your DON'T Need to Starve

Yourself to Lose Weight


Many popular diet programs suggest dramatically reducing the amount of calories a person eats. In fact many border on out and out starvation, suggesting you only consume 1000 calories and even worse only 800 calories per day. Get ready for a serious warning, not only will this not help you lose weight permanently, it is also extremely damaging and dangerous to your body.

Let’s look at why very low calorie diets in the long term will only make you fatter. Extremely low calorie diets slow your metabolism down and make you lose muscle; consequently they put your body into starvation mode. Starve yourself for long enough and eventually your metabolism shuts down completely. Once your metabolism stops any calories you consume after that will cause immediate fat gain. Now you may think that you can stay on the low calorie diet forever, but the reality is that this is highly unlikely. Consider how many calories you were consuming before. Do you honestly believe that for the rest of your life you’l be able to manage on 800 calories per day? Just to give you some idea a standard coffee house hot chocolate with whipped cream has about 400 calories in it. Try living on 2 of them for the rest of your life! What will inevitably happen is that you starve yourself for a while, your metabolism shuts down and then when you start eating more (as you will do) you’ll pile the weight back on. Have a close look at any diet program that you have tried before or are considering trying again. You’l notice of them that many of them cut your calorie levels to near starvation. That’s why they work in the beginning but never work in the long term. Remember that your body is clever, as soon as it notices that your body is going into starvation mode, it will automatical y slow your metabolism down so you burn fewer calories.

Furthermore by starving your body of food you are also starving yourself of the major vitamins and nutrients that you need to keep you healthy. Many experts believe that even at normal levels of calorific intake it is stil difficult to get all our nutrients from food alone, hence the reason that so many people supplement. No imagine al the vital nutrients you are denying your body when you starve. Don’t do it. Period. You’ll save your health and your weight loss efforts. Conclusion

That’s just about raps up the 7 secrets. I hope you found it informative. There are a lot of myths and lies prevalent in the weight loss industry. Not only will they damage your health but they’ll also hamper your chances of losing weight permanently and effectively

A Final Word

Your “inner game” is going to be the foundation which determines just how much success you will have with your efforts to lose weight. This is so crucial, it’s worth repeating again. As discussed in Secret 1, the simple fact is, if you don’t get the correct set of supporting beliefs and right mental image, then your weight loss journey is going to be painful and ultimately unsuccessful.

Short term, you may lose some weight. Remember though, human beings are like elastic bands, they always snap-back to their current

“mental” state. Without getting too ‘woo-woo’ on you, your physical reality is just a manifestation of your mental reality. Your relationships, your finances, your friends and ultimately your weight are just reflections of what is going on inside your mind. If you don’t believe me, think about this. Why is it that a ridiculously high percentage of lottery winners go broke within 5 years? It’s because those winners mentally don’t see themselves as multi-mil ionaires. They haven’t got the right mindset. Internally many of them still see themselves as poor and even unfortunate, consequently they engage in destructive behavior. This destructive behavior eventually leads them to blow their entire fortune and of course they “snap-back” to their original position or either being broke, poor or in debt. Fascinating isn’t it. This law is applicable to everyone on the planet.

So what are you going to do to ensure you get your “inner-game

regarding weight loss sorted and guarantee the next time you try to lose weight you succeed? Wel you could start scanning the internet for advice but being the smart person you are, you realise that understanding the inner workings of the human mind is something that takes decades to master. This is where we come in. With help from a leading hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner we have developed a system that shows you how to exactly how to break old limiting beliefs and develop a mindset that will guarantee that the next you try to lose weight you will succeed.

In the program we’ll go deep into the reasons why you have failed in the past and show you exactly what to do to make sure that you don’t fail again. I highly recommend that you check it out here
Source: HowToThinkSlim

Secret No 6

Your waistline will NOT

magically vanish by doing ab



An enormous number of people still believe that by doing abdominal exercises their waistlines will dramatically shrink. This is completely erroneous. It’s a fact that is physically impossible to “spot reduce”

certain areas of fat on your body. Unless you know a good plastic surgeon (and have thousands of $$$ in the bank!) you will not be able to target fat around your waistline by abdominal exercises alone. Of course it’s easy to see why people would believe this. After all there are companies who spend millions of dol ars every year advertising and promoting the latest ab machines that “guarantee” a washboard stomach in as little as 5 minutes per day. This is nothing more than marketing hype. No machine on its own is going to miraculously melt the fat away from your waistline. I’ll say it again, it is not possible to “spot reduce” specific areas of fat on your body. Of course these machines can make the muscles on your stomach a lot stronger, but if that stomach is covered in pounds of blubber then you simply won’t see it!

Unfortunately the only real way of getting rid of stubborn fat from your waist line, is doing regular cardio workouts combined with a sensible eating plan. So you can abercise, ab tone, abdomalize, ab-sculpt and ad-burn until your hearts content but as for losing inches off in the process you’d be far better jumping on the treadmil or going for a long bike ride. In fact I’d go as far as to say that that ab exercises such as crunches and sit ups are the least effective methods for reducing your waistline.

Unfortunately it is boring old cardio and healthy food choices that are the key to long term weight loss success. Do that, combined with the ab exercises and you’ll see your waistline shrink forever. I can’t overemphasise how important it is that you take action and actually do something. It’s fine reading this and even understanding, it but if you don’t take action. Nothing is going to change

Source: HowToThinkSlim

Secret No 5

You DON'T Need To Give Up

Your Favourite Foods or

Takeaways Forever


One of the main fears people have when they are trying to lose weight, is that they are going to have to give up their favourite foods and meals. Many of the “gurus” advocate total abstinence from fast food, takeaways, sugary snacks and sweets. Of course too much of these types of foods will cause you to put on weight. However it is naive and unrealistic to tell anybody, that they can never ever again enjoy a delicious pizza with all the trimmings or a fat juicy burger. After all, there’s a reason we like pizza, because it tastes fantastic!

Why would anybody want to deny themselves one of life’s great pleasures? Answer they wouldn’t and you don’t have to either. Think about it, if you start a new weight loss programme and from the beginning you’re told that you have to completely and utterly give up the foods that you love, what's going to happen? You are going to fail. As mentioned in secret number 2, diets don’t work because from the very outset they are forcing you to do something that real y you don’t want to do. How much fun is it being told that never again can you enjoy the glorious taste of a chocolate chip cookie or deep fried chicken wing? Not fun at all. Being told to give up certain types of foods is just not sensible. Its starts you off on the wrong footing right from the beginning and sets you up for failure. It forces you to battle with yourself making your weight loss journey painful and frustrating. After a while you give up. And who can blame you? Today is the day that you can official y relax safe in the knowledge that even if you are trying to lose weight you stil enjoy your favourite foods.

Important Proviso

While I am not suggesting that you give up these foods entirely, if you are serious about losing weight, then try to limit the amount of unhealthy foods you eat. A good rule of thumb, is to have at least one day per week where you can eat whatever takes your fancy. If you fancy a chicken kebab, no problem. Relish the taste and eat it completely guilt free. On the other six days try to stick to healthier options and even then if you slip up don’t beat yourself up. Honestly if you are exercising regularly and eating healthy (as a serious weight loser I am assuming you are) for at least 6 days of the week, then the weight will just drop off you naturally

Source: HowToThinkSlim

Secret No 4

You DON'T Need To Cut Out

Carbs To Lose Weight



Whether you should cut out carbs altogether or reduce them substantial y has caused serious debate in the weight loss industry. Many people claim that you need to cut out carbohydrates entirely in order to lose weight rapidly. I am sure you are all aware of one extremely popular diet system that advocates a substantial reduction in carbs. Wel you won’t be surprised to know that peddlers of this system have made mil ions of dollars out of unsuspecting weight losers.

The truth is, not only should you not cut out carbs completely; it’s actually dangerous to do so. First of let us analyze why you don’t need to cut out carbs. Contrary to what the so cal ed “diet gurus” tell you, carbohydrates are not fattening. Just stop for a while and think about what I just said. Now I realise that this information is contrary to what you are being told by many “experts” but it’s the absolutely truth. It is one big lie to say that carbohydrates are fattening. What will cause you put on weight is if you consume more calories than you burn. It’s that simple. A calorie is just a calorie, nothing more. It doesn’t matter whether you get your calories from protein, carbohydrates or fat. What matters is that you are active enough to burn more calories than you consume.

There are many reasons why carbohydrates have been singled out as the food that contributes to weight gain. First of al it is what we add to many of our carb based foods that lead people to believe that carbs cause weight gain.

Think about the large dollops of margarine or butter you put on your piece of toast. Or what about the rich cheese or tomato sauce that you add to your bowl of pasta. It’s these additions that are sneakily causing you to pile on the pounds, not the carbs themselves. So if you want to lose weight, cut down these fats not the carbs. Secondly you need to understand a little diet history to see why carbs have become so controversial. During the 60’s and 70’s scientists discovered a clear link between animal fat (i.e fatty meat, butter, cheese) and coronary heart disease. As result low fat diets became extremely popular. In attempt to cater for this (and profit) the food industry started to produce a huge range of low-fibre white flower products (muffins, doughnuts, bagels and cookies), lots of carb snack food (popcorn, nachos etc) and a lot of different high carb toppings. Note that most of these foods are “refined carbs”, that is carbs with most of the natural fibre removed. This low fat approach led to a significant increase in the consumption of refined carbohydrates. Fast forward to the 80’s and 90’s and the developed world is in the midst of an obesity epidemic. Dieticians suddenly started to question whether the high-carb low-fat diet was contributing to this weight gain. Some clinical studies linked a high consumption of refined carbs with metabolic problems (eg Type 2 diabetes), digestive disorders (IBS) and heart disease. To further exacerbate the problem, popular diet systems were released claiming all carbohydrates led to weight gain. It didn’t take long before the general public started to believe that in order to lose weight you needed to cut out carbs. Why You Need To Eat Good Carbohydrates

Now that we have established why carbs got their bad name, it is important to point out that you need to eat good carbohydrates. In fact consuming good carbohydrates is essentially for long term weight control and healthy nutrition. While it is true that over consumption off refined carbs have been linked to an increase in disorders such as type 2 diabetes, not all carbs are bad.

You must eat good carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet, otherwise you risk missing out on nourishing your body with essential nutrients. Furthermore, carbohydrates give us energy to keep us going, without carbs you’ll feel sluggish and tired. So how do find out what carbohydrates you should eat? Detailed below are sources of good carbohydrates.

1. Fruit and Vegetables – Fruit and veg are general y low in calories and are packed with nutrients like vitamins and minerals. They are a healthy addition to any diet especially if you are trying to lose weight.

2. Whole Grains – For example wholegrain rice, wholemeal breads, porridge oats, wholewheat pasta, beans, lentils, breakfast cereals (although be careful of which ones you choose).

3. Potatoes – These are fat free healthy foods that provide useful amounts of vitamin C, Potassium and fibre. Try and choose Sweet Potatoes as these are the most nutritious. So now you know the truth about carbohydrates, you can consume the good ones with piece of mind.

Source: HowToThinkSlim

Secret No 3

Certain Foods DON'T Make

You Burn More Calories

There is conflicting information about whether or not certain foods can increase your metabolic rate, making you burn more calories. I'm sure may have read articles in health magazines and newspapers about the latest super foods that fire up your furnace and melt the calories away. After al its very hard to ignore with sheer volume of advertising messages we are bombarded with on a daily basis. What is certain is that some foods have some clear health benefits. You know this already, a typical Mediterranean diet rich in fruit, veg and oily fish is going to benefit you. This has been confirmed in numerous scientific studies.

However, there are no foods that increase your metabolic rate dramatically, or help you burn calories. Even if certain foods do increase your metabolism the amount is too insignificant to make it a magic bullet. You may have noticed that green tea extract is commonly sold as a fat burning weight loss supplement. While the marketers may claim otherwise, the reality is that science has shown us that green tea is nearly totally ineffective for fat loss. Conversely one of the most effective methods for burning fat is weight lifting.

Why? Because by building muscle you increase the number of calories your body burns when at rest. I also recommends that you eat foods with a high water and fiber content because they stay in your system longer, a plus for taking off the pounds.

Source: HowToThinkSlim

Secret No 2

Diets Don't Work


Diets don’t work. But wait, I hear you say, if I want to lose weight I have to go on a diet, right? Wrong, dead wrong. I’m telling you if you want to lose weight you do not need to diet. Now I realise that this may come as a surprise to you and is probably not what the majority of the so called “diet gurus” want you to hear. However the reality is that 99% of people, who go on diets, either give up or eventually put the weight that they have lost back on. You can try as many of the latest fad diets that you want but honestly they are not the secret to long term weight loss success.

Diets fail for the fol owing reasons:

 A diet is a way of living – not something you do when you want to lose a few pounds. Why? Because once you’ve lost the weight, you go straight back to eating what you’ve always wanted to eat.

 Most diets are unrealistic - Us humans tend to lead fairly complicated lives. We work long hours and spend an increasing portion of our lives highly stressed and agitated. Our family lives are demanding and we rarely have time to sit back and relax. Our stressful daily lives make it extremely difficult to adhere to rigorous diet plans that tells when and what we can eat. Sure you may fol ow it for a couple of weeks, maybe even a month. Eventual y though, you’ll give up. Dieting is just another stress. A stress you could well do without. Furthermore by giving up on the diet you feel like you’ve failed. You blame yourself for not finishing and start to think “there’s something wrong with me” or “I’m a failure.”

Repeat this process for long enough and eventually you give up trying to lose weight forever, concluding that “diets don’t work” and that “it’s impossible to lose weight”. Well I am here to tell you that you that it is the whole system of dieting that is a failure not you. You are not to blame and you absolutely can lose weight. You just have to stop blaming yourself and stop jumping from one diet to the other. Give up on the idea of dieting for good.

 Diets actually slow your metabolism down-That’s right, reduce the amount of calories that you consume and watch your metabolism slow down as well. Remember, once you actually give up on the diet (which you will do eventually) and revert back to your old eating habits, because your metabolism has slowed down, the weight will pile back on at rapid speed. Something you seriously want to avoid.

 Yo-Yo Dieting is extremely bad for you – Numerous studies have confirmed that is seriously bad for your health to constantly lose weight and then put it back on again.

 Diets don’t work in the long term – If ever there was a reason to avoid dieting, consider the fact that extensive research has confirmed that in the long term diets simply don’t work. Most people lose between 5%-10% of their body weight but eventually put it back on again. In fact repeatedly losing weight and then putting it back on again, has been linked to an increase in cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and weakened immune system function. Once of the main reason cited as the reason that diets don’t work in the long term, is that when people are on diets they spend a large portion denying them foods that they want to eat. So when they come off the diets they tend to gorge on all the foods they have denied themselves.

The Solution

So we have established a common myth in the weight loss industry that you need to diet to lose weight. Am I saying that you should pay no attention to what you eat? Absolutely not! You must pay attention to what you eat, however it’s about making simple healthier choices. Learn what foods are low in calories but highly nutritious (Tip: This isn’t difficult) and start to slowly introduce more and more of these foods into your diet. Sooner or later healthy eating, not dieting will become a part of your life and the weight will start to fall off. Also remember that there are some diet systems that do have some really healthy and delicious meals in them. Simple find out what dishes you like and incorporate them into your normal way of eating. So don’t stress yourself out. Slowly and steadily start to make healthier choices about the types of food that you eat. You’l be more relaxed and when you’re relaxed the weight will fall off 

Source: HowToThinkSlim

The 7 Secrets “They” Don't Want You To Know About Weight Loss

Secret No 1

You will never lose weight, if

you do not believe you can

lose weight!

Let me guess, you’ve bought the latest weight loss program excited because “this” time you’re actual y going follow through with it. You spend hours studying it, you plan when you’re going to start, hey you’ve even gone out and bought a new pair of running shoes. You fol ow the system for a couple of weeks and even notice you’ve dropped a few pounds. Then something happens. Over the next couple of weeks you find yourself becoming slightly bored of the system and a few weeks after that you’ve given up entirely. Now I’m not against weight loss systems, there really are some extremely high quality ones out there. Systems that have been carefully crafted by teams of highly experienced fitness and weight loss experts. If you follow the plans you will lose weight and you will have an extremely toned and fit body. The problem is that you don’t. You don’t follow through with the systems because mentally you’re not ready. Your “inner game” is all over the place. You don’t truly see yourself as someone who has a fit, slim and toned body. Because of that you fail...

Realise this, human beings operate very much like elastic bands. You can stretch yourself to a certain level but at some point you will always snap back to your original position. If deep down you don't believe you can be slim, no matter how hard you try, you will always

“snap” back to being an overweight person

Why do you think so many people are yo-yo dieters? I’m sure you’ve noticed this. People who lose weight and then put it back on again and then lose it again and then put it back on again. In fact I personal y know some people who have spent their entire adult life bouncing from one different weight to the another. And do you know what? They always end up at their original weight. Why is that? It’s because at a profound level yo-yo dieters, whether they are aware of it or not, believe that they are that certain weight/look. No matter what they do they will always snap back to original position. Period.

It’s important to point out that this applies to absolutely every human being on the planet. Think about it for a second. Why do some people get rich and others stay broke for the rest of their lives? Why are some people career criminals who spend their entire lives in and out of jail? Answer it is al down to the beliefs they have about themselves and their own self image

Don’t believe me. Then consider this quote for a second

"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't,you most assuredly won't”. Denis Waitley The fact is that belief or non belief in a certain thing is THE determining as to whether you are able to accomplish that thing or not. This is regardless of the size of the challenge or your personal circumstances.

Now let me ask you a question

Do you honestly believe that losing weight is fun and easy? Do you honestly see yourself as someone who is fit and slim? If you can’t answer yes to these questions immediately then I’m afraid you will never ever lose weight permanently. Sure you might be able to push yourself to start a weight loss program but sooner or later you will snap-back to your original weight. This is law

It is, therefore absolutely critical to examine the current beliefs you have about yourself and if you have self limiting beliefs, you must change them. If you do not do this you are going to find it extremely hard if not impossible to lose weight permanently. You must find those self limiting beliefs and erase them.

Let me tel you breaking down limiting beliefs is difficult. After all think how long it took for those beliefs to form. However it can be done. In fact it has to be done if you are serious about shedding those pounds.

Now you are not going to hear this from many people who are selling weigh loss products. But honestly if you want to get a body that is slim, lean and toned, I’m taking about the kind of body that literally stops people dead in their tracks; you must start by believing you can have it.

When you program your mind the think slim, you'll start to notice that the weight drops off al by itself.

By the way if you are interested in changing the mental picture you have of yourself and really creating a set of beliefs that guarantees your weight loss success, I urge you to check out our program

Source: HowToThinkSlim